Taste of the South Gives Historic Donation
Taste of the South is proud to share that our organization will donate $587,680 to our 2023 charities serving domestic violence survivors and their families! This is our largest-ever charity giving donation, and we are so grateful for your support.
Thanks to the generosity of our more than 340 donors, Taste of the South is sending funds to 14 charities across the South and in Washington, D.C. that focus on domestic violence awareness and prevention. Taste of the South’s 2023 Featured Charity, the Center for Women and Families in Louisville, Kentucky, will receive $367,300.
“I am humbled that Taste of the South can give this historic amount to our 2023 charities and want to recognize our generous donors and dedicated Committee members for supporting a very difficult and often personal cause and for showing survivors their unwavering support,” said Natalie Yezbick, 2023 Chairman of Taste of the South. “Thanks to our sponsors and volunteers, this year’s charities will be able to expand their lifesaving work for families affected by domestic violence across the South.”
Taste of the South would love to partner with you again as a donor for our 2024 gala or welcome you as a first-time sponsor. We are excited to announce that we will be raising funds for charities focused on mental health over the next year. For more information on supporting our organization, please visit our website or email donate@tasteofthesouth.org.
The Taste of the South Committee is so thankful for your help in raising more than $1 million for the first time ever and hopes to work with you in the years to come as we address some of the greatest needs of communities across the South.
With our thanks,
The Taste of the South Committee